Wesley Reader
3 min readSep 6, 2024


The Night I Was Almost Killed!

Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

I just remembered an awful night from when I was a freshman in college. It started as a normal day like any other. My neighbor, who was studying medicine and about to graduate, had just moved out. Our doors were adjacent, and with him gone, I was left without a neighbor. But since I was living with my sister, I didn’t feel too concerned. The house manager had assured us the place was "safe" when we moved in, so we felt at home. However, the huge balcony window always made me uneasy at night, especially since the balcony was accessible to everyone.

Two days after our neighbor left, something strange happened. I never used a padlock on the door but always turned the knob to make sure it was locked before bed. That morning, I found the door open. I asked my sister if she had opened it and maybe forgotten to close it. She insisted it was locked when she went to bed.

The next morning, the same thing happened—the door was unlocked. We assumed we might have forgotten to secure it again. But then, on the third night, while we were all asleep, I heard someone fumbling with the door in the middle of the night. It sounded like they were struggling to get it open. I sat up, trying to listen closely, unsure if my ears were playing tricks on me. The sound persisted.

I rushed to my sister’s room, expecting her to be just as freaked out. But when I burst in, ready to ask if…



Wesley Reader

Acclaimed writer known for evocative storytelling and rich character development. My writing is characterized by lyrical prose and insightful exploration…